armelle michelle

HOUATCHAING KOUEMEGNE Armelle Michelle is a 26 years old woman born on February 4, 1992 in Douala-Cameroon where she grew up and was brought up by her parents Mr. KOUEMEGNE Andre and Mrs. KOUEMEGNE Jacqueline. She is the 3rd out of five girls and for academic reasons; she had to move to two different regions of the country where she developed the capacity to adapt.
After completing her secondary education in 2010, she obtained the entrance examination into the faculty of medicine and pharmaceutical sciences where she studied pharmacy for seven years and acquired a lot of experiences through multiple lengthy internships in community hospitals, research laboratories and pharmaceutical industries.
Michelle is very passionate about research and completed her training on July 9, 2018 by working on the biomedical applications of fruits seed mediated silver nanoparticles. She is hopes to be a great green nanobiotechnology leader in Cameroon.