Cristina Cipriano Biosummit - Cristina Cipriano.png

cristina cipriano

Persistent polymath, enthusiastically exploring and expanding the intersections where fields of knowledge merge. As a biologist, she's working on projects involving basic research, informal science and public outreach, all aimed toward providing a clearer outlook on the scientific process in general. Former intern at the Italian National Research Council (CNR), she is now a budding molecular biologist and electronics devotee combining wetware, software and hardware. Cristina is the first Italian to have built a biology laboratory in her home and is well-known for her minimalist, low-cost and open-source scientific equipment designs. She is board member at Binomica Labs, an independent research group based in New York City, devoted to scientific practice and scienctific curricula development for students of all ages and backgrounds. Cristina is a speaker and educational hacktivist at several universities and events, where she occasionally holds workshops. She is also founder and former editor-in-chief of the science journal Il Positivismo, as well as a MOOC-addict and well-rounded nerd.