IMG-20160303-WA0010 - Fran Quero.jpg

francisco quero

Fran Quero is a biology graduate who creates in 2015, with some colleagues, OpenLab Madrid (OLM), the fist DIYBio community in Madrid (Spain). Currently their are working to bring a new biology laboratory in Medialab-Prado, wich will open its doors this september to all person who want to prototype some DIYBio stuff. He also tooks part in interactivos?16 and in the biofabbing convergence and he is one of the coordinators of the DIY Atomic Force Microscopy group of Medialab-Prado.

Professionally he works at CIEMAT in Madrid where he is developing healthy artificial tissue with genetically treated cells from patients who have skin diseases, restoring the natural function of them.

Aside from biology he also have knowledges in programming (C/C++, phyton, ASM...), digital fabrication and electronics.