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keerthi shetty

Keerthi Shetty oversees a portfolio of investigator-driven, personalized neoantigen cancer vaccine trials and immunogenomics projects at Dana-Farber. She is also a core member and program lead of EMW Street Bio, a community biology lab in Cambridge, MA. She is excited to be able to continue her passion for STEM engagement through EMW Street Bio. After Keerthi completed her Ph.D. in Immunobiology at Yale in 2015, she was a Hellman Fellow in Science and Technology Policy at the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in Cambridge, MA, for two years, where she consulted with scientists, philanthropists, government and industry leaders, and informal science education advocates on critical issues regarding the intersection of science and society. Her overall professional goal is to not only participate in but also facilitate, promote, and enable successful scientific research, innovation, and partnerships.