Laura Olalde - Laura Olalde.jpg

laura olalde

I’m graduated in Fine Arts, specialized in painting. In 2016, I got a Masters Degree in Electronic Arts. My Tesis research was based on sci-art coproduction. Since 2011, I am involved in bioart practices and from 2013, I am part of PROTEUS, a sci-art collective formed with molecular biologists and social scientists, awarded in 2015 for the installation Introversión Dogmática, a representation of the interaction between DNA and Histone proteins.

In 2017 I joined the Open Science Hardware community at GOSH 2017, Chile. In September that year I also attended the Global Community Biosummit at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This year I attended the Biohack Academy at the Waag Society in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. There I continued my research based on Kombucha Genomics, a joint project between Counter Culture Lab and BioCurious. I will attend GOSH 2018 at SHENZEN. I live and work in Argentina.