Muhammad Hassan Raza - Muhammad Hassan Raza.jpg

muhammad hassan

Hassan is currently pursuing bachelors in Biotechnology at International Islamic University, Pakistan. His research is focused on investigation of molecular biology of infectious diseases and cancer, and development of novel therapeutics and diagnostic systems using interdisciplinary approaches based on synthetic biology, and cellular and molecular biotechnology. He was a member of the iGEM Peshawar 2017 and worked on development of a bioreporter fish for detection of heavy metals in freshwater.
He co-founded Codon Corps – a community lab in Islamabad, Pakistan in December 2017 where he and his team is involved in a diverse range of activities on the edge of engineering and biology. These include but are not limited to bioinspired robotics, wiring circuits for measuring biological activities at nanoscale, DIY synthetic biology with main emphasis on genetic engineering and genome editing, and genetic designs. The lab also organizes a number of citizen science events on regular basis.