day 0 | thu 9/21 

Choose your own adventure! We are organizing tours to local Cambridge and Boston area community bio and maker spaces, like BosLabEMW Street Bioand more.




934 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA

9 am - 6 pm

Open house at EMW Street Bio! All field trips depart from here. 



250 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA

10 am - 12 pm

Leave EMW at 9:30 am, walk to Novartis, where tour starts at 10 am and ends at 12 pm

Activity: Tour, perform gel electrophoresis, and explore the genetic variation of hemoglobin focusing on Sickle Cell Disease and Sickle Cell Trait. Limited enrollment.



10 Tyler St
Somerville, MA

2 pm - 3 pm

Leave EMW at 1:30 pm, walk to Artisan’s, where tour starts at 2 pm and ends at 3 pm

Activity: Tour of community fabrication center that empowers individuals to give form to their ideas through membership, education, and work spaces.